November 6, 2012

A personal revolution

 Just watch and be astonished of how easy it can go:

I've been crazy when I wanted to do my brows - it takes so much time and actally never gets out the smallest hairs out with their roots. But this method is so easy, fast and precise, it can't go easier! It takes time to "catch" how it should be done, but it's absolutely worth practicing.

   Did you know it before? If yes, what are your experiences?

October 30, 2012

The beginning of somethin entirely new

Rights to this photo belong to it's respective owner 

Photo above: one of my biggest role models - Andrej Pejic

A new start...
 So, hello anyone. Call me Alexander or as you want. I come from Poland and I'm proud of my Slavic heredity.  Here, what you can see, will be my personal place to curse, say bad things about politicians and place photos of hung people.

Haha, that's a joke, naturally. This blog will be dedicated to the most things I'm interested in, from sewing, fashion, photography, to beauty recipes and cooking. I just don't feel the need to write here only about one thing, but all in all everything will be linked somehow one with another.

 Hope to start with all soon!